Capital Group has been creating and constructing the most complex and unique projects, significant for Moscow, for 30 years and solving complex urban planning problems. A recognized leader in the construction of business, premium and elite housing, multifunctional complexes and skyscrapers.
Capital Group is a recognized leader in the construction of business, elite and premium class housing, as well as the construction of skyscrapers. Projects include high-tech buildings up to 445 meters high with unique original architecture and 50,000 m2 of cultural heritage objects under restoration.
The company is an active participant in city programs and makes a significant contribution to the creation of an integrated urban environment: within the framework of projects, it implements social facilities, including schools and kindergartens, and creates places of employment. Implements large-scale projects for the integrated development of territories.
Shared interests and a vision in one direction allow us to create and unite. Why? To create genuinely interesting products and projects at the intersection of competencies. They make people's lives better and more enjoyable.
Company Founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Competencies and experience allow us to create truly interesting products and projects – creating a new level of quality of life.
Company Founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Capital Industry - a direction uniting modern technoparks by Capital Group. The implementation of industrial complexes allows addressing pendulum migration issues and focusing on the development of a polycentric metropolis, offering residents modern infrastructure in every district.
Capital Group's technology parks are a successful example of a modern approach to industrial development. The concept of the projects provides not only premises for production lines, but also spaces for laboratories and research, administrative and utility areas. This approach allows us to fully realize the scientific and intellectual potential of the capital.
In 2019, Capital Group launched the Capital University program - today it is the largest and most systematic educational initiative for training young personnel in development. As part of the Capital University program at the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, a basic department was created, a co-working space was built at the leading industry university - NRU MGSU. In 2023, partnerships were also concluded with the Higher School of Economics in the direction of “Digitalization”, with the Moscow School of Contemporary Art, for the development of the direction “Art in Development”; in 2024, an agreement was signed with RUDN University. Partnerships with universities and specialized colleges include, among other things, organizing internships for students at Capital Group, teaching by company employees at universities, and an incentive program for the best students.
Since 2023, Capital Group has been participating in the construction of an international-level campus for the main industry university - NRU MGSU.
The program was created on the initiative of the company’s founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Capital Group Pavel To.
Company Founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors
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